Om Aum - Ring

Om Aum - Ring

Om Ring with VS Diamond and Alexandrite Stones

$ 821 USD

The shape of the symbol Om itself contains meaning.

The long lower curve represents a waking state, or the conscious mind (the “A” of “A-U-M”), while the curve which starts from the center and flows right represents the dreaming state (the “U” of A-U-M) – together the A-U form “O”.

The upper portion of the left-hand curve represents a dreamless sleep, or deep meditative mind (the “M”).

Moving to the top of the symbol, the small upward curve is referred to as the veil of illusion, or maya, separating infinity from the finite, represented by the silence following “Om.”

The dot is the transcendental point or the absolute state of consciousness

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Om Aum - Ring

Om Ring with VS Diamond and Alexandrite Stones